Driving Without Insurance in Miami
Facing License Suspension for Not Having Car Insurance?
Your driver's license will be suspended quickly if you are found to have been operating a vehicle without insurance. If you are stopped by a police officer for a moving violation such as speeding, or if you are involved in an accident attended by police officers and are unable to provide proof of insurance, your driver's license will be suspended.
Driving while uninsured is illegal, and is not a minor legal problem. Your Traffic Ticket Attorney has been helping people charged with this offense for many years, and should be contacted immediately. Taking advantage of the extensive experience he has gained working on both sides of the criminal justice system could give you the best chance of protecting your right to operate a vehicle legally in the months or years to come, based upon the facts of your case.
Understanding Florida Law
Law enforcement is focused on reducing the number of uninsured motorists driving on Miami-Dade County and Broward County streets, highways and roads. A recent survey found that 24% of Florida drivers do not carry insurance. Fighting a charge of driving without car insurance requires the help of an attorney that is highly qualified in traffic ticket defense and related matters.
As Florida law requires that you carry a minimum amount of no-fault insurance with at least $10,000 of personal injury coverage, and $10,000 of property damage insurance, you are in trouble if you were involved in an accident. When you fail to have this coverage, your legal troubles can get serious, fast.
Consequences of Driving Without Insurance in Miami-Dade
If your license is suspended, you will need to obtain insurance and then pay additional charges of between $150 and $500 to get your license reinstated. If you are at fault in an accident and have no insurance you will be personally responsible for any damages incurred to the other vehicles, and any financial cost for injuries to the victims in the accident.
Your driver's license will not be reinstated until all of the damages are paid. As an accident could amount hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damage and medical costs, you could be barred from driving for a substantial period of time.
Contact Your Traffic Ticket Attorney Today!
Don't gamble with your future. Contact us to speak with a knowledgeable Miami traffic ticket lawyer who can help you fight to get your driving rights reinstated. We serve as traffic ticket lawyers for individuals throughout Broward and Miami-Dade Counties and beyond.
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