Defense for Red Light Tickets
Ticket Lawyer Serving Broward County and Miami-Dade County
Red light tickets generated a whopping 100 million dollars in revenue for the State of Florida in 2012. The majority of these traffic tickets were voluntarily paid. Challenging these tickets in court is an excellent option, as it gives you the possibility of avoiding increased insurance rates, fines and court fees, as well penalties for having too many points assessed against your license.
Don't take any chances with your legal right to drive. Call today to find out how Your Traffic Ticket Attorney can help you fight back in court!
Changes in Red Light Ticket Laws in Florida
Recent changes in the law, which went into effect as of July 1, 2013, have changed the appeals process which initially made it appear that it would be easier to fight red light tickets. This legislation establishes an administrative appeal process which no longer requires a trip to the local courthouse to plead your case. However, the municipality that issued the ticket also runs the appeal hearings. You have the right to challenge the red light ticket, and the process should be managed by a professional Miami traffic ticket attorney from our firm.
If the municipality does not yet have their administrative hearing process established, including a place to hold the meetings and personnel to hear the appeal, the ticket has the potential of being dismissed – you should find out if you can take advantage of this situation for your red light ticket. Most municipalities will quickly come into compliance with this requirement to avoid missing out on revenue, but for now you can check with us to see if you could benefit from this situation.
The other major change is that right turn tickets are no longer valid from a red light ticket camera. We can walk you through your legal options, and advise you of how he will assist you to fight a red light ticket.
Act Fast - Call Us Today!
Our team has successfully challenged numerous red light tickets in Miami, Miami-Dade County and Broward County. Once you have received a red light ticket, you have 60 days to challenge the ticket. However, the issuing municipality must send you a second notice within 60 days if you do not respond to the original ticket. There is an excessive amount of paperwork attached to these traffic tickets and if you fail to comply with these requirements, the situation could get serious, fast.
Contact us so that we can advise you of your options. We are ready to take action for you!
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